Sunday, April 29, 2007


The satellite network out here gets BBC America, which I watched a bit last night. The Robin Hood revamp featured a brooding Guy of Gisborne of suspicious hotness, and a Robin of youthful callowness, and some staggering enormous temporal incongruities, but what did catch my interest was the teaser for next week. We've all heard and rehashed the arguments over the pirates versus ninjas question, but the BBC presents a new and intriguing wrinkle: ninjas versus OUTLAWS. I am sorry to miss the opening arguments of the debate. For my money, the home team has the advantage, but perhaps Robin and his merries were a little less jolly after getting shurikened to the trees.

In other news, we've reached the point in the visit where my grandmother reads her mail out loud to each person who comes over. A notice that she's being called for jury duty has been repeated three times, with great discussion of how she could take the age exemption but feels that it's her civic duty et cetera, and now my great-aunt is starting to read the entire letter, with comments, out loud. I didn't sleep well last night, my patience is at an ebb, and I'm trying very hard not to be the skeleton at the feast. Where is Neil when you need him?


Unknown said...

I also get irritated when people repeat things or stories as well (unless I did not hear them the first time, er pay attention, in which case is it really a repetition?). In this fine day and age of email and crappy internet phone calls there's no need for propinquity for family malaise. 30 secs of yelling at my computer screen, "Hello, can you hear me," "No I did not say that," "Yes, Mom, I heard you the first time," while trying to organize a family trip with one mother and at least seven absent possible participants shreds the soul faster than a dull razor.

At least we set a date for a family outing.

And I tried a new apertif today--an Americano with orange juice, a lemon slice, and some ice. The Americano alone tastes a bit like cough syrup, but doctored up, is a lovely summer drink.

3pennyjane said...

An Americano as in the coffee? I may have to take your word for it. A friend swears by a 50-50 mix of orange juice and Coke; he claims it tastes better than it looks, which would not be difficult by a factor of a MILLION.

I'm trying to cut the grands some slack: They're both widows, they're fairly elderly, and they're out in the country where society is scarce, so shouldn't I be more patient? Yes, and yet it's oddly easier to say than to do.