Yay! I am chock with thrill. As regular readers may or may not recall, someone on this blog (*cough*) was dumb enough to get her camera trashed not long after she arrived in the Argentine region of P------. And against all laws of karma, one of the women who was on the trip (and who is still in that region, for which she is to be envied, because oh my God the DC summer humidity, it's HERE) has gotten in touch and sent along a generous serving of photos from the trekking we did in the mountains near the Chilean border. F'rinstance, below, there's this one of me, Britling whose name I don't remember, and Sophie, who swore after this trip that she was never ever going camping ever again. (Best quote: "FUCK the bloody view, I just want to get off this goddamned mountain.") We're all wearing as many of our own clothes as possible, as well as ponchos provided for the trek, and we're well fortified with hot wine--mulled was the idea, boiled the reality--lots of asado and chocolate, mate, and a blazing fire. We are also still freezing our nadgers off.

Lots more photos are available on Gel's gallery, here (for the trek in the Andes) and here (life at the estancia). I don't want to post all of them at once, but I particularly like this one of half our guide team looking cheerful and vampiric. Standing travelogue line: "It was when our otherwise impeccably mannered guide turned out to be a member of the ghastly undead that I realized that this trip would not be the beer-and-skittles expedition we had all discussed in the comfort of the club."

1 comment:
Always neat when people can share photographs. When we were in Jasper our family took a hike up a peak (after first riding the tram up) along with a man in a foot cast with crutches and his female friend. We were so impressed that they had made it, even climbing a rock that only one brother had managed to scale, that we asked to took pictures of them and later emailed the results. The woman--his mother!
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