Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hell and death

Someone screwed up and 'tis manifestly impossible that it was me: Making Money dunt come out until later this month. Melodramatic moaning and grumbling has ensued at this news.

In other not-so-fresh feelings, Seesterperson's roommate, with whom she shares the upper two floors of a house in a gawgeous town, has given her 30 days' notice to get moving on out so that said roomie's estranged daughter can move in. I can kiiind of see wanting the whole mother and child reunion thing to work out, but come on! Ditching a rent-paying roommate for a grumpy teenager who will eat all your food and not give you a dime? Man, the parental instincts can mess with your priorities. I have my fingers crossed for Seesterperson to find another great place to live toot sweet, but no matter what it's going to be a stressful few weeks. Moving is always, but always, a complete pain in the behinder parts, and having to find and move into a new place on such short notice will be that much more of a hassle.

But all is not lost, and there are still forces for good abroad in the universe. Evidence: "The Girl in the Fireplace" won a Hugo. I am a coot, so I'm still surprised that episodes of TV can win the coveted bronzey rockets, but if you're gonna reward the newfangled media, you could do worse than to pick the part that has a Conversed David Tennant and clockwork monsters in. Of course, it helps that two of the other four nominees were also "Doctor Who" eps, indicating maybe a slight bit of bias, or possibly the general consensus on the show. In either case, clearly "Fireplace" won because the voters wanted to watch someone snog the wits out of David Tennant, which...good job, Sophie Myles. Kudos to the BBC for resurrecting the show in a new and improved form, to the writing staff for keeping up the level of cool scary stuff in it (no network in the US would ever run stuff that frightening and say it was for kids, would they?), and to the casting people for getting it exactly right. Well done, all, well done.

Dear Scotland, more like this plzktx.


Unknown said...

How are your Welsh vowels? The first, and horrible, season of "Torchwood" is now coming to you in America. "Torchwood" is a perfectly great example of how a) to ruin a fabulous character in a spinoff and b) how someone who can write an excellent show can write crap. Of course, the British have a vocal love-hate relationship with Russell Davies (see comments on posts in The Guardian about "Dr. Who"b and or "Torchwood").

walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

I can't wait to see new Dr. Who, after you and Lil' Italian Redhead have been hyping it so! I look forward to seeing it settled in a new place very soon.

3pennyjane said...

I loved Eccleston as Nine ("Fan-TAS-tic") and am enjoying Tennant as Ten, but boy is Weebat right about Torchwood. It's bizarre that the show's supposed to be all "mature content oo-er" and yet they've de-sexied dear Jack. The curse of sequels.