For 'twould be a wee scrattlin' misbegot wench of a doxie what didn't offer up a song upon this, th'International Day o' Pirately Speakin', ye ken. Wi' a wannion, arrh.
"Hoist the Jolly Roget's," by Rob Balder. And lest any milk-livered gutless gormless git be swearin' that it be anachronistic or otherwise disordered in the timezones, I'd be after inviting that surly bugger to join Snow Crash's Bruce Lee for a wee party and some scalpin'. Arrh.
1 comment:
From Piratsprache, or how to speak like a pirate in German, one learns that 'Hai' means 'shark.' Gives a new meaning to 'O Hai'!
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