Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Singin' the Homeland Security Blues

With apologies to Mr. Cash:

I keep a close watch on these bags of mine
I keep my ID with me all the time
I take my shoes off, and I never whine
For TSA, I stand in line.

It's good to be home.


Spotted Sparrow said...

Welcome home! How did everything go?

4mastjack said...

And you shot
a man in Reno because they cancelled Firefly?

3pennyjane said...

To paraphrase Veronica Mars, I shot a man in Reno, but it was *not* to watch him die. It was...other issues. Which would cover Firefly, but I plead the Fifth.

Expat, everything went pretty well, but I was exhausted by the end of the event (or, to be more accurate, about a day before it wrapped up). My insanely indulgent hotel bed helped a lot, as did access to some tasty baijiu-type options. Come to think of it, though, neither of those made the early mornings any easier.