Friday, June 6, 2008


Dear Pepco,
Thank you for returning my power so that I could have a hot shower, make my own coffee, and read today's xkcd.

Dear Mr. Munroe,
May I be your imaginary girlfriend?
Kisses and flaming torches,


4mastjack said...

Todavia me pasa cada pocos meses. Joder, estamos en el siglo xxi.

My attempt: All of it passes me with little tables. Joe, we are in the twenty-first signal.

(I did know that meses wasn't really tables, but I couldn't think of anything better.)

Google Translate: I still happens every few months. Shit, we are in the twenty-first century.

Yahoo Babelfish: Still it spends every few months to me. Joder, we are in the 21st century. It still happens to me every a few months. To fuck, we are in the century xxi. Todavia passes me each few months. Screwing, we are in the 21st century.

The winner? It's a tie between Google and Promt. Promt wins the first sentence and Google wins the second.

Final verdict: It still happens to me every few months. Shit, we're in the twenty-first century.

3pennyjane said...

You could also go to the original English version of the strip. Less fun but more interesting from a "wow, translation really does open life up to errors" perspective.

Anonymous said...


3pennyjane said...
