Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Zelda looks lonely

Short notice, but for anyone who's free and interested tonight: Robert Sapolsky, author of Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers and A Primate's Memoir, will be speaking at the National Geographic tonight, the better to introduce a film called "Killer Stress." Tickets are $18 for nonmembers, show starts at 7:30, and if his iTunes U podcasts are any indication, it'll be worth the price of admission.

[ETA: ALERT ALERT ALERT: The Magnetic Fields at the Lisner on October 28. I have neeped before about how Stephin Merritt's sad mean angry awkward funny regretful ugly beautiful love songs rock my socks, and it goes without saying that ticketing for this show is already in the works.]

[ETA2: The ETA-ening: Neil Gaiman will be chatting on the Post's website from noon to 1:00 PM today. Ask about the bees.]

1 comment:

walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Neep neep! Mickles at the Mag Fields! Laissez les bontemps rollez!