Saturday, March 21, 2009

This pump primes backward

I'm going to rat out Gee-Clef here, because sweet lord, whenever I start to think that I'm the biggest geek in the world, he's there to put it in perspective.

As part of his choir's general bonhomie, they make unconventional bets on whatever the basketball NCAA madness thingy is. Stuff like giving money to charity if someone waxes Duke early, nothing too crazy (at least not that he would admit). So Gee, being who he is, offered to donate $10 to the group for each game that ended with a prime number in the score. Now, he does lose geek points for not having done research on the stats in past tournaments, because he figured prime scores would be pretty rare.

He's $200 in the hole two days into the tournament, "And sometimes both teams are ending on a prime, what the hell is that about?" I may start reading the sports pages to see how much further into hock he'll have to go.

[ETA: None of this is meant disparagingly. Gee-Clef's view of the world is refreshing and fun, and the teasing is affectionate. I'm in no position to throw stones.]


Anonymous said...

i like this Gee. He sounds like someone who goes out and toasts Prohibition Day without irony. ie

3pennyjane said...

Our friendship may be a bit strained by my inability to hide my reaction to his preferred booze-drink, the midori sour. Once in a while when we're out with Teal (who doesn't drink at all), he'll order that and I'll get a neat scotch, and the waitstaff's double-take is always worth the price of admission. WE'R IN UR NORMZ, UNNERMININ UR JENDR XPEKTASHUNZ.

You in for the kite festival this weekend?