Friday, May 8, 2009

Like kittens through the hourglass...

Serialkarma says she called in kitten emergency today, and first let's give a brief bow to her employer for recognizing this priority. Te salutamos!

Unfortunately, KE is not as whimsically fun as it sounds. If anyone of an engineering mind has suggestions for how to rescue a small kitten that has fallen to the bottom of a six-foot-tall fence post made of PVC pipe, head on over and let her know. So far, suggestions have included some variant on giant chopsticks, flooding the pipe and hoping the kitten floats (if it doesn't, of course, its problems are over), drilling a hole near the bottom of the pipe and trying to scoop the delicious kitten marrow out of this tube without having said tube fall on anyone important, fishing the cat out by getting it to cling to something, and, perhaps most sensibly, leaving a length of matting hanging into the tube so that the kitten can climb out on its own (which SK has done). It's all Perils of Pauline-meets-Acme Products over there in Brooklyn. Animal services is there but stymied.

On the up side, SK has gotten suggestions from as far away as Bangkok. Go help, if it's in your power.

[ETA: Kitty rescued yay!]


Flying Lily said...

I hope someone got a picture of the six uniforms standing around the fencepost...thank goodness kitty is saved from that claustrophobic fate.

3pennyjane said...

It sounds like the pressure of events was too overwhelming for SK to remember photos, which is a great pity and woe.

We've been tossing around suggestions for names for the cat (a moot point, as someone else will probably adopt it after it goes through the indignities of de-fleaing and neutering). So far Bolus is the leading contender.

Flying Lily said...

If I were your friend, I would assume the Universe wanted me and Bolus to be together forever, given the weirdness of our first encounter.

3pennyjane said...

As the Scots might say, och aye. But unless the universe drops better housing options in there too, theirs is a forbidden love.

Unknown said...

This is, for obvious reasons, my favorite post ever on this blog. Just to wrap things up: Joyce, my new best friend at Animal Control, called to say the kitten would be going to the ASPCA, who would find a home for him. She is also calling the kitten Daniel, which, I THINK, she is intending as some sort of Daniel in the lion's den Biblical reference. We both agreed that that was a heavy name for a wee bedraggled kitty, and hoped that his new family would give him a more kitten-friendly moniker. We shall see. (Well, actually, we won't, but we can imagine...)

Anonymous said...

zomg i want to adopt said kitteh misef. SARS would help find it a home, i bet. and btw, the title of this post makes me remember bonzai kitty. ack. -ie

3pennyjane said...

I can't find anything on the ASPCA's site about whether they're officially a no-kill facility; SK, can you shed any light? If little Daniel M. Bolus has a limited window for finding the right match, Sars might be the go-to gal.

Unknown said...

Hmmm. I'll take a look at the info I was given from Animal Control and see what i can find out. I have an intake number for him from ACC, but once he's in the ASPCA's system I might not be able to locate him. The ACC woman sounded optimistic that they'd be able to place him, what with the saga of his rescue making him a major sympathy case.

3pennyjane said...

Like Awkward Davies and Jack Aubrey: You save someone's life once, and suddenly you feel sort of responsible for them forever. At least the kitten doesn't go on mad shipboard berserking rages. Or not that we know of, anyway.

Horrible thought: Maybe Joyce was motivated by "O Danny Boy":
O Danny boy, the pipe, the pipe is calling
From fence to fence, and down all of Park Slope;
SK has moved, and you've been fixed for always:
When lady cats say "hey" you'll have to tell them "nope..."

Or perhaps not.

Unknown said...

The Park Slope and "nope" rhyme was a bit of a stretch, maybe, but A for effort!

3pennyjane said...

Sigh. Everyone's a critic. I think the rhyme is okay, but in the pressure of time (must be witty fast!) the meter got a little dinged.