Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Don't buy this gum, it tastes like rubber"

More to come on last night's mini-med lecture, which was fantastic and fun and strangely sexy in a "wow I want to be a pilot because I just saw 'Top Gun'" sort of way, but I want to mention the absolute zenith, which was a series of photos of the practice version of an aortic valve replacement our presenter had MacGyver'd up out of a plaster cast, a cow's pulmonary artery, and a banana-flavored condom.


Unknown said...

Did it have to be banana flavored? What if it were vanilla-flavored?


3pennyjane said...

She said they were the cheapest bright yellow options (cannot imagine why--artificial banana, feh), and that the color makes it easier for visualizing the procedure, a phrase that did not sound dirty until juuuust now.

She admitted that she delegates the job of buying them in bulk.

Unknown said...

In New York, you can have condoms delivered right to your door. (The problem with that, of course, is when they deliver the wrong kind, or fail to deliver them at all, in which case a slightly mortifying customer service call ensues--as my roommate found out not too long ago.)

3pennyjane said...

1-800-WRAPS-IT? Now I must know the name of this mysterious business.

Unknown said...

Ha. It's FreshDirect, which delivers...pretty much anything you could buy in a grocery store!